WEC Campaigns
Respect Our Right to Know
Take action to protect our lives, jobs, health, schools, and businesses. We want information from the railroads on crude oil shipments instead of keeping the public in the dark. The public needs to have access to Emergency Response Plans for municipalities and counties. First responders need training and the state needs to respect our right to know!
Public Need Over Corporate Greed
Everyday working people just can’t seem to get ahead. We work longer and harder and still just can’t stretch our paychecks. This doesn’t seem to impact the top 1%, and the very wealthy among us seem to play by a separate set of rules. Something needs to be done to address what is happening in our economy.
Healthy Schools Now
Every school day in New Jersey, children, teachers and school staff face conditions that can cause illness or injury and that make it harder to teach and to learn. Put New Jerseyans to work modernizing healthy public schools.
Addressing Climate Change
As the nation’s longest standing state labor and environmental coalition, with a respected track record of advocating for and defending environmental, community and worker friendly policies and regulations, WEC seeks to bring together a powerful group of workers, environmentalists and community members to collaborate and push for meaningful climate and energy policy changes.
Past Campaigns
Save Our Safeguards
For decades New Jersey enacted landmark environmental and worker protection laws that led other states and the federal government to follow suit. New Jersey’s environmental and workplace safety and health safeguards have been under attack.
Protecting Whistleblowers
The Conscientious Employee Protection Act makes it more likely that employees will report, without fear of retaliation, violations affecting public safety and health, the environment, and financial security of individual households and businesses.