WEC Campaigns
Ensuring our right to know about rail car hazards; safer alternatives at industrial facilities; real names of chemicals; and emergency response plans.
Educating about the effects of Wall Street’s financial strip mining on our economy and empowering action on a state-based policy agenda.
Demanding that all New Jersey children and school employees learn and work in safe, modern school buildings.
Developing consensus for meaningful energy and climate policy changes in New Jersey.
Act Now

A Public Bank for New Jersey!
This month we kicked off WEC’s demand for Public Banking for New Jersey in a webinar that centered the voices of organizers, activists, workers and experts. We heard from Trina Scordo, executive director at New [...]
Immediate Action Needed: Stand Up for Worker Safety and the Environment
Call Your Congressional Representative and Congressman Frelinghuysen With Congressional Representatives heading back to their Districts, now is the time to urge your Representative to stand up for worker safety and the environment. Please ask [...]

Demand Mercury Free Floors in NJ Schools
Stop Exposing Our School Staff and Kids to Toxic Mercury Floors emitting mercury vapor have now been found in at least 25 school districts in New Jersey. Schools have been utilizing rubber-like polyurethane floors [...]
Establish A Public Bank: Keep Wall Street Away From Our Tax Dollars!
Wall Street’s power and influence often thwarts progress on a range of social policies, putting corporate greed ahead of public need. Yet, the state of New Jersey deposits billions of dollars in public money [...]
Temperature Control Petition
For decades, there has been scientific consensus that temperatures above 80 degrees produce harmful physiological effects that decrease work efficiency and output. According to the National Clearinghouse of Facilities, poor thermal conditions have also [...]
Public Service Announcements
Public Service Announcements produced by WEC for broadcast on television, radio stations and for online distribution provide education and training on important workforce health and safety topics, such as workplace violence, ergonomics and ladder safety.
This material was produced under grants SH-24385- 13-60- F-34, SH-26288- SH4 and SH-27654- SH5 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial productions, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.