Through the NJ COVID-19 Awareness and Prevention Training, employers, workers, and worker representatives will gain knowledge through participatory training sessions to reduce the risks of exposure to the COVID-19 in the workplace. The training will include NJ employers' obligations to workers as it relates to COVID-19 and employee rights. We will also review Governor Murphy's Executive Order 192, which applies to both the public and private sector...more
Join Us as We Discuss: Workplace violence prevention strategies Identifying safety system failures in the workplace OSHA and NJ state regulations that address workplace violence....more
Through the NJ COVID-19 Awareness and Prevention Training, employers, workers, and worker representatives will gain knowledge through participatory training sessions to reduce the risks of exposure to the COVID-19 in the workplace. WEC can pay participants $15 an hour to attend this training. Click here for more information.
A través de la Capacitación sobre prevención y concientización sobre el COVID-19 de NJ, los empleadores, los trabajadores y los representantes de los trabajadores obtendrán conocimientos a través de sesiones de capacitación participativa para reducir los riesgos de exposición al COVID-19 en el lugar de trabajo. WEC puede pagarle a los participantes $ 15 por hora para asistir. Para or por ms información.
Through the NJ COVID-19 Awareness and Prevention Training, employers, workers, and worker representatives will gain knowledge through participatory training sessions to reduce the risks of exposure to the COVID-19 in the workplace.....more