2016 Workers’ Memorial Day Rally & March
Workers' Memorial Day is a time to remember those who died on the job or suffered workplace injuries, while raising awareness to prevent future illnesses, injuries and deaths. Pictures from the event Media Coverage April 25, 2016 Home News Tribune Hundreds Rally for Safe Working Conditions The rally and spirited march focused on the demand for respect, including safe work and a living wage. New Labor and the New Jersey Work Environment Council (WEC) helped organize the event, which included 35 other organizations as endorsers. April 26, 2015 Erin Pentenko/The Daily Targum New Brunswick Residents March to Remember Workers Injured during Jobs A computer rack fell on one man, crushing his legs under thousands of pounds and killing him. An angry patient attacked and stabbed a caseworker, nearly killing her before the woman's coworkers stepped in. Press Release Hundreds of Workers and Allies Rally and March to Demand Safe Working Conditions On Sunday, April 24th, hundreds of workers from community organizations, unions, and faith-based groups rallied in New Brunswick, NJ to observe Workers' Memorial Day, an internationally recognized event held annually to commemorate those who have been killed or injured on the job and to renew the fight for safe [...]