Monthly Archives: January 2018

Take on Wall Street? Apply for our Training!

Working people can’t seem to get ahead. As we watch the news, engage in our communities, and organize around our respective issues, it becomes more and more apparent that we are operating in a rigged economy, which works for the privileged few. Wall Street’s power and influence continues to thwart progress on our most basic needs, on issues like public health, environmental protection, workers’ rights, and civil rights. The most fundamental component of our democracy, our ability to organize and successfully advocate for our needs, has been undermined. Join us on May 31st and June 1st, at NJEA Headquarters in Trenton (180 W. State Street) to learn how our economy, and our democracy, have been strip-mined by financial institutions. This intensive training will involve materials developed by WEC and Les Leopold, author of Runaway Inequality and director of The Labor Institute. We’ve already trained 65 educators, who are working across Jersey to share this content within their organizations, spreading the word to fellow activists. Join the discussion on direct actions that we can take to address the fundamental inequalities in our system. Space is limited to 20 participants.  Apply now for the Public Need over Corporate Greed Trainer Apprenticeship Program [...]

By |2018-04-30T15:31:20-04:00January 25th, 2018|Highlights|Comments Off on Take on Wall Street? Apply for our Training!

Job Posting: Freelance Writer

Free-lance writer for monthly labor union magazine The New Jersey Work Environment Council (WEC) seeks a free-lance writer to conceptualize, research and compose ten 1,000-word byline articles a year on school health and safety issues for the New Jersey Education Association’s NJEA Review. You will be expected to spend approximately 12 hours per article. Pay is $500 per article. Articles will be due for review one week before the end of the month from February to April 2018 and then July 2018 through April 2019 and so on for each school year. You will need to interview WEC staff, NJEA UniServ field representatives, NJEA local association officers and members, and WEC industrial hygiene consultants to conceptualize and research the articles. Internet research may also be needed. Preference given to individuals who have written for or about labor unions and union activism and organizing. See past articles online here. Submit letter of interest, resume, and two applicable writing samples to by close of business January 31, 2017. No calls. For more information about WEC, please go to

By |2018-01-17T11:22:34-05:00January 17th, 2018|Highlights, Job Postings|Comments Off on Job Posting: Freelance Writer
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