Monthly Archives: November 2019

WEC in the News! Press Release from Andy Kim’s Office: Congressman Kim Votes to Protect Health Care and Social Service Workers from Workplace Violence

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03) voted to pass bipartisan legislation that would protect health care and social service workers from workplace violence, which has increased by 69 percent over the past decade according to the Bureau for Labor Statistics. “Our health care and social service workers do amazing work every day, but too often at great risk,” said Congressman Kim. “Every worker deserves a safe workplace, and this bipartisan bill will take a big step in ensuring that the professionals taking care of people in Burlington and Ocean Counties are taken care of themselves.” The Workplace Violence for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act, H.R. 1309, would provide protection for workers by requiring that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issue an enforceable federal standard that would require employers to develop workplace violence prevention programs that would save lives. "As a union of healthcare and social service professionals, we applaud Congressional leaders for moving forward legislation to create enforceable standards to finally make workplace safety a priority,” said Debbie White, RN and President of the Health Professionals and Allied Employees, AFT/AFL-CIO. “No longer can we accept that violence is “just part of the job.” Workplace violence is [...]

By |2019-11-22T12:57:05-05:00November 22nd, 2019|Press Releases, WEC in the News|Comments Off on WEC in the News! Press Release from Andy Kim’s Office: Congressman Kim Votes to Protect Health Care and Social Service Workers from Workplace Violence

Murphy Establishes “Implementation Board” for Public Banking.

This week, Governor Murphy signed an executive order to create an “implementation board” with the intention of establishing a public bank in New Jersey.  This is an incredible, bold step for the state to take towards economic justice.  Currently, in New Jersey, our tax dollars are kept in private banks. The same private banks responsible for the financial strip mining that has torn our economy apart. These banks then invest our tax dollars in big-money endeavors across the world, rather than New Jersey’s communities. And, of course, they’re always sure skim lots of juicy debt servicing fees off the top. A public bank would give control of our tax dollars back to us. Instead of investing our money wherever the ultra-rich feel they’d like to, our state can invest in affordable college loans, public infrastructure and schools, housing, and non-predatory loans for small businesses.  Congratulations to the New Jersey Education Association and Citizen Action for the work they have put in to make this victory happen. The Work Environment Council is proud to have trained more than 2,000 activists and union rank-and-file members on how Wall Street has strip mined our economy, and on the importance of establishing a public bank [...]

By |2019-11-14T15:36:50-05:00November 14th, 2019|Highlights|Comments Off on Murphy Establishes “Implementation Board” for Public Banking.
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