Monthly Archives: September 2022

Murphy orders big jump in offshore wind

TOM JOHNSON, ENERGY/ENVIRONMENT WRITER | SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 | ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT Governor boosts goal for green power, key to carbon-free target New Jersey plans to ramp up its reliance on offshore wind, now with a new executive order from Gov. Phil Murphy to increase the state’s goal for building wind farms off the coast. Murphy, speaking Wednesday at an event in New York City for Climate Week, increased the state’s target of 7,500 megawatts from wind turbines by 2035 to 11,000 MW by 2040. The move underscores the importance of offshore wind in achieving the administration’s transition to a 100% clean-energy economy by mid-century. “This is an aggressive target, but achievable,’’ Murphy said. At the same time, he announced the release of a Council on the Green Economy study that projected the state can expect an additional 314,886 net jobs over the next 10 years based on current green policies and investment. ... “The transition to a green economy will create thousands of good paying, family sustaining jobs for New Jersey workers and offers an unprecedented opportunity to expand our workforce that will ensure fossil fuel workers will not be left behind,’’ said Debra Coyle, executive director of the NJ [...]

By |2022-09-22T12:58:25-04:00September 22nd, 2022|WEC in the News|Comments Off on Murphy orders big jump in offshore wind

Jersey Renews Response on the Release of the Council on the Green Economy Green Jobs Report

For Immediate Release September 21, 2022 Jersey Renews Response on the Release of the Council on the Green Economy Green Jobs Report TRENTON – This morning at an event for Climate Week NYC Governor Murphy announced the release of the Council on the Green Economy Report, Green Jobs for a Sustainable Future, and 12-month action plan. At the same time the Governor also signed an Executive Order today to increase the target goal from 7.5MW for offshore wind to 11MW by 2040. In February 2021, Governor Phil Murphy created the Council on the Green Economy and tasked it to deliver a report with recommendations on how New Jersey should transition to a green economy. According to the report, New Jersey can expect to see an additional 314,888 net job-years supported over the next 10 years based on current green policies and investments enacted across New Jersey to date. The report lays out steps New Jersey must take to create an inclusive, vibrant green economy that will create business opportunities, uplift communities, and create good paying jobs. ... “Jersey Renews applauds the release of today’s report and thanks the Administration, as well as the many public members of the Council on the [...]

By |2022-09-22T12:52:55-04:00September 21st, 2022|Press Releases, WEC in the News|Comments Off on Jersey Renews Response on the Release of the Council on the Green Economy Green Jobs Report

Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Increasing Offshore Wind Goal to 11,000 MW by 2040

NEW YORK – Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 307, increasing New Jersey’s offshore wind goal by nearly 50 percent to 11,000 megawatts (MW) by 2040. The Executive Order, which increases the state’s current goal of 7,500 MW, also directs the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to study the feasibility of increasing the target further. Accompanying the Executive Order, Governor Murphy also announced the release of the Green Jobs for a Sustainable Future report, created by the New Jersey Council on the Green Economy in partnership with the Governor’s Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy. The report outlines recommendations and pathways for growing a demographically representative and inclusive green workforce as New Jersey pursues its clean energy future. Established during Governor Murphy’s first term, the Council is comprised of experts, advocates, and leaders from across industry and organized labor. Governor Murphy directed the Council to prepare the report in order to promote diversity and opportunity in the green economy for environmental justice communities while making pathways to green jobs more accessible for workers, especially union members. ... “The roadmap offers policy solutions that will help create a green economy that will produce good green jobs that are accessible to [...]

By |2022-09-22T12:46:26-04:00September 21st, 2022|WEC in the News|Comments Off on Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Increasing Offshore Wind Goal to 11,000 MW by 2040
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