Opinion Pieces

Corporate Efforts to Remove Workplace Safeguards Threaten Health, Safety, Quality of Life

Do you trust Wall Street and corporate CEOs to protect our jobs, living standards and clean air and water - or do you think public oversight is needed? Full Article by John Shinn, Director, District 4, United Steelworkers and a member of WEC Board of Directors September 21, 2011 - The Star Ledger

By |2011-09-21T20:44:00-04:00September 21st, 2011|Opinion Pieces|Comments Off on Corporate Efforts to Remove Workplace Safeguards Threaten Health, Safety, Quality of Life

‘Job Killing Regulations’ Do Nothing of the Sort

It's time to kill the phrase "job-killing regulations." It's a clever slogan invented by corporate lobbyists. But it happens to be a lie. Full Article by John Pajak, Vice President, Teamsters Local 877 & WEC President August 16, 2011 - The Record of Bergen County

By |2011-08-16T20:47:00-04:00August 16th, 2011|Opinion Pieces|Comments Off on ‘Job Killing Regulations’ Do Nothing of the Sort
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