Monthly Archives: February 2020

New Jersey releases new guidelines for testing for mercury vapors in schools

The New Jersey Department of Health released new guidelines this week for testing for dangerous mercury vapors in the state’s schools. Mercury vapors can’t be seen or smelled. Vapor exposure at any level can be dangerous, potentially causing nervous system and kidney damage. Schools throughout the state could potentially be exposing students to mercury vapors via the schools’ floors. “On lead in water, schools had to do testing and submit it,” says New Jersey Work Environment Council executive director Debra Coyle McFadden. “We would like to see the same thing done with these floors.” Phenylmercuric acetate (PMA) is used to treat rubber-like polyurethane floors, commonly found in school gyms. Sometimes wooden floors are built over them. PMA breaks down over time and releases mercury vapors. The state Health Department is now recommending that schools have floors tested. “Much more needs to be done. We don’t know how widespread this issue is,” McFadden says. Watch the video on News 12 here.

By |2021-03-10T14:18:23-05:00February 27th, 2020|Highlights, WEC in the News|Comments Off on New Jersey releases new guidelines for testing for mercury vapors in schools

Job Posting: Jersey Renews Organizer

Download a pdf of this announcement here. The Work Environment Council of New Jersey, Inc. (WEC) is a coalition of 70 labor, community, and environmental organizations advocating for safe, secure jobs and a healthy, sustainable environment. WEC seeks a full-time, experienced Campaign Organizer for the Jersey Renews effort based in our Trenton office. The position begins ASAP and no later than April 1 and is a 12-month full-time position with the option to renew if funding is secured. The person hired will organize and expand Jersey Renews’ dynamic, statewide grassroots advocacy and organizing efforts. The campaign focuses on making New Jersey a leader on state-based climate policy, including emissions reductions, increased clean energy production the creation of family-sustaining jobs, and reduced air pollution. The campaign organizer will work to build and maintain a broad-based, multi-sector alliance which includes partners in the climate/environmental, labor, community-based, faith, and other sectors  and coordinate events, including meetings for the steering committee, the larger coalition, opinion leaders, legislative stakeholders, the media and others. Responsibilities The Campaign Organizer will be responsible for: Partner Recruitment and Outreach Maintain and expand diverse coalition of key organizations in strategic sectors, through in-person and telephone contact, participatory campaign planning meetings, [...]

By |2020-02-24T15:24:15-05:00February 24th, 2020|Highlights, Job Postings|Comments Off on Job Posting: Jersey Renews Organizer

NJ Releases New Guidance on Mercury-Laced Floors – Will It Help?

Photo Credit: New Jersey Education Association It's uncertain how many school gymnasium floors in New Jersey are emitting a level of mercury vapor that's unsafe for the students and adults who come in contact with them daily. While new guidance from the state aims to get a better idea of the problem's reach and help schools determine whether their rubber-like gym floor is cause for concern and may need to be removed, a coalition of healthy-school advocates believes the update falls short in a number of areas. "Part of our recommendation has been and continues to be that they conduct a statewide survey of rubberized floors," said Heather Sorge, campaign organizer for Healthy Schools Now with the NJ Work Environment Council. "Our staff and our children, our students should not be in an environment where they're being exposed to mercury vapor." Read More

By |2020-02-24T14:46:43-05:00February 24th, 2020|Highlights, WEC in the News|Comments Off on NJ Releases New Guidance on Mercury-Laced Floors – Will It Help?

NJ DOH Issues Updated Guidance on Mercury Found in School Floors

Press Release For Immediate Release: February 19, 2020 Contact: Heather L. Sorge, NJ Work Environment Council, Campaign Organizer for Healthy Schools Now 908/310-7874; [email protected] Debra Coyle McFadden, NJ Work Environment Council, Executive Director 609/707-1320; [email protected] New Jersey Department of Health Issues Updated Guidance on Mercury Found in School Floors DOH outlines measures to identify, test, manage and eliminate the hazard, but DOH misses the mark to enact the most protective standard for staff and students The New Jersey Department of Health (DOH) has released updated guidance for the evaluation and management of mercury-containing floors in NJ schools. Some rubber-like polyurethane floors may contain phenylmercuric acetate (PMA) that over time breaks down and releases mercury vapor indefinitely. Mercury vapor is odorless and colorless. These hazardous floors, which the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), NJ Work Environment Council (WEC), and Healthy Schools Now (HSN) sounded the alarm about back in 2017, continue to be identified in schools across the state and the county. The floors have been installed since the 1960s and may even be hidden under other existing flooring. This flooring, and items that have been in contact with it, may emit harmful mercury vapor. Mercury vapor can damage the central nervous [...]

By |2020-02-24T14:26:48-05:00February 20th, 2020|Highlights, Press Releases|Comments Off on NJ DOH Issues Updated Guidance on Mercury Found in School Floors

Labor & Environment Coalition Tackle Transit Equity with a Day of Action for a Fully Funded NJ Transit

Early this morning, Jersey Renews advocates and Amalgamated Transit Union workers from across the state staged a Day of Action to celebrate Transit Equity Day. Groups convened at transit hubs in North, Central, and South Jersey to bring attention to the need for a dedicated funding source for NJ Transit. Transit Equity Day, held on Rosa Parks’ birthday each year in honor of her infamous refusal to give up her seat, which sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycotts, highlights the need for equitable transportation. An equitable transportation policy includes expanded service and hours, affordable access, and clean transportation. For NJ Transit, this also means dedicated funding for operations and improvements. Read the full press release here.

By |2021-03-10T14:43:59-05:00February 4th, 2020|Press Releases, WEC in the News|Comments Off on Labor & Environment Coalition Tackle Transit Equity with a Day of Action for a Fully Funded NJ Transit
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