WEC Staff

About WEC Staff

The New Jersey Work Environment Council (WEC) is an alliance of labor, community, and environmental organizations working together for safe, secure jobs, and a healthy, sustainable environment.


Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and tell your U.S. Senators and member of the U.S. House of Representatives to oppose fast track authority and the TPP. Did Republicans or Democrats running for Congress in the recent elections say, "Vote for me and I'll support global trade agreements that undermine jobs, wage levels, and environmental standards at home and abroad?" Of course not. They knew they would be voted out if they ran on that platform. Yet, Republican leaders and President Obama are saying after the election that they want to join together to pass a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement with 11 other countries, along with so-called "fast track" authority that would let them ram it through. TPP would be a massive agreement sought by Wall Street, the drug and chemical industries, and other huge corporations. It has two basic purposes: To make it easier to move millions of jobs overseas and exploit workers in other countries at starvation wage levels. To make it easier to challenge and invalidate federal, state, and local environmental and worker safeguards or other public policies that could reduce future corporate profits. So far the countries negotiating TPP include not only the U.S. but also [...]

By |2014-11-25T04:45:00-05:00November 25th, 2014|Act Now|Comments Off on STOP TPP/FAST TRACK ATTACK on JOBS and ENVIRONMENT

State Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on Whistleblower Protections

For years, New Jersey was considered to have some of the strongest whistleblower protections in the nation, shielding employees from retaliation from their employers when they tried to report corporate wrongdoing. Those safeguards could unravel in a series of court cases to be taken up by the state Supreme Court this fall, according to more than two-dozen environmental, labor, and consumer organizations, which have joined the litigation. See Article Here

By |2014-06-12T01:14:00-04:00June 12th, 2014|WEC in the News|Comments Off on State Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on Whistleblower Protections

27 Organizations Ask N.J. Supreme Court to Uphold State’s Whistleblower Law

The N.J. Supreme Court has been asked by 27 environmental, labor, and community organizations representing more than half a million New Jerseyans to uphold the state's whistleblower law that protects employees from employer retaliation when they report violations of the law. In a friend of the court brief the groups cite multiple cases in which employees have been protected by the courts under the Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA). This makes it more likely that employees will report without fear of retaliation violations affecting public safety and health, the environment, and financial security of individual households and businesses. See the Press Release here

By |2014-06-10T17:31:00-04:00June 10th, 2014|Press Releases|Comments Off on 27 Organizations Ask N.J. Supreme Court to Uphold State’s Whistleblower Law

Chemical Safety Should be Required, Not Just Requested

All of us have become used to seeing news reports of people killed because of a chemical explosion or fire. Or they're left out of work or homeless because of a toxic spill. Or left without drinking water because of a massive chemical leak. But a key part of the story is often lost amid the human tragedy. In nearly all cases, the damage to families and communities was preventable. Full Article by John Shinn, Director, United Steelworkers District 4 & WEC Board Member and Jeff Tittel, Director, NJ Sierra Club & WEC Board Member June 3, 2014 - The Star Ledger

By |2014-06-03T19:29:00-04:00June 3rd, 2014|Opinion Pieces|Comments Off on Chemical Safety Should be Required, Not Just Requested

Firms Like Secaucus-based Children’s Place Need Better Response to Bangladesh Tragedy

It's easy for giant corporations like the Secaucus-based clothing company, Children's Place, to talk the talk of "social responsibility" and caring about children and families. But it often takes public pressure to get them to actually walk the walk. Until a year ago, clothes for The Children's Place were produced in a factory at Rana Plaza, an eight-story building in Savar, Bangladesh. Workers there helped generate the $53 million in net profits that the company pocketed last year. Full Article by John Pajak, Vice President, Teamsters Local 877 & WEC President May 25, 2014 - The Jersey Journal

By |2014-05-25T19:31:00-04:00May 25th, 2014|Opinion Pieces|Comments Off on Firms Like Secaucus-based Children’s Place Need Better Response to Bangladesh Tragedy

Polluting Our Air, Water, and Politics

This winter saw families in Paulsboro and many other towns across America worrying about two kinds of pollution. Full Article by Debra McFadden, Assistant Director, WEC and Doug O'Malley, Executive Director, Environment NJ and WEC board member. May 4, 2014 - The South Jersey Times

By |2014-05-04T19:32:00-04:00May 4th, 2014|Opinion Pieces|Comments Off on Polluting Our Air, Water, and Politics

Disasters Show Need for Stronger Safeguards

Here in New Jersey, huge sums of money will have to be spent to clean up the Passaic River, one of the most contaminated stretches of water in the world. Toxicants in the river include dioxin, a chemical suspected of causing cancer. It was dumped in the water by a manufacturer of Agent Orange during the war in Vietnam. Full Article by John Pajak, Vice President, Teamsters Local 877 & WEC President and Amy Goldsmith. Director, NJ Clean Water Action & WEC Board member. April 25, 2014 - The Star Ledger

By |2014-04-25T20:22:00-04:00April 25th, 2014|Opinion Pieces|Comments Off on Disasters Show Need for Stronger Safeguards

Victim of Bangladesh factory collapse in demonstration at Secaucus Retailer

A garment worker who was trapped in the rubble of a collapsed Bangladesh factory last year joined about four-dozen labor activists Friday in urging Secaucus-based The Children's Place to increase its payments to victims of the disaster that killed more than 1,100 people. See Article Here View the video from the demonstration.

By |2014-04-12T01:16:00-04:00April 12th, 2014|WEC in the News|Comments Off on Victim of Bangladesh factory collapse in demonstration at Secaucus Retailer

NJ has Chance to Provide Better Schools and Jobs

New Jersey has the 38th-worst unemployment rate in the nation, and for construction workers the jobless rate is even worse. At the same time, thousands of school children, their teachers and other staff face serious health and safety hazards and poor learning conditions in buildings that may be more than a hundred years old. Full Article by Troy Singleton, Assemblyman District 7 and Avery Grant, member, Long Branch Board of Education and Vice President, WEC March 18, 2014 - The Star Ledger

By |2014-03-18T20:23:00-04:00March 18th, 2014|Opinion Pieces|Comments Off on NJ has Chance to Provide Better Schools and Jobs
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