June 2020
June 9: COVID, Social Distancing, and the Economy: What Can We Learn from the Swedish Experience
This week we were joined by Professor Aman Russom, head of the bionanotechnology division at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, who works on the development and delivery of low-cost medical testing and technology for public health. [...]
June 2: The Impact of School Closings & The Challenges of Reopening
This week we were joined by 292 participants for an update which focused on K-12 schools. We discussed the impact of shutting schools down on teachers, staff, parents and students and the challenges of reopening our schools. [...]
The Virus Exposed New Jersey’s Inequities and Failures
Reality check: No one is safe from the ravages of COVID 19. After all, nurses, warehouse workers and celebrities like Tom Hanks alike are getting sick. Actually, if you work for low pay, are [...]
May 2020
May 26: Public Sector Employee Safety and Health in the Age of Covid
This week we heard from Jerome Johnson, General Chairman of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transport (SMART) Local 60 (United Transportation Union [UTU]) who gave an update about conditions on NJ Transit trains and buses. The transportation [...]
May 19: Workers’ Rights, Worker Safety and Workplace Justice
This week we were joined by more than 165 participants, who heard from Marcy Goldstien-Gelb, Co-Director of National COSH and Nancy Lessin, retired United Steelworker and COSH fellow on the Safe and Just Return to Work report; a blueprint [...]
Work Environment Council of New Jersey Releases Guidelines for “A Safe and Just Return to Work”
Los Angeles - “My co-workers are getting sick and we know this disease can be fatal,” said Sofia, a pseudonym for a worker at a Case Farms poultry plant. “We want to do our [...]