WEC in the News

WEC in the News2020-08-12T15:32:50-04:00

State Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on Whistleblower Protections

For years, New Jersey was considered to have some of the strongest whistleblower protections in the nation, shielding employees from retaliation from their employers when they tried to report corporate wrongdoing. Those safeguards could unravel in a series of court cases to be taken up by the state Supreme Court this fall, according to more than two-dozen environmental, labor, and consumer organizations, which have joined the litigation. See Article Here

By |June 12th, 2014|Categories: WEC in the News|Comments Off on State Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on Whistleblower Protections

Victim of Bangladesh factory collapse in demonstration at Secaucus Retailer

A garment worker who was trapped in the rubble of a collapsed Bangladesh factory last year joined about four-dozen labor activists Friday in urging Secaucus-based The Children's Place to increase its payments to victims of the disaster that killed more than 1,100 people. See Article Here View the video from the demonstration.

By |April 12th, 2014|Categories: WEC in the News|Comments Off on Victim of Bangladesh factory collapse in demonstration at Secaucus Retailer
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