WEC in the News

WEC in the News2020-08-12T15:32:50-04:00

Toxic Train Wreck Exposes Weakness in Federal Chemical Policy

In late November, while other parts of New Jersey were recovering from the superstorm, the quiet town of Paulsboro was blindsided by a very unnatural disaster. A train derailed while crossing a local bridge, sending freight cars tumbling into the water below and releasing a toxic swirl of the flammable gas known as vinyl chloride, used to make PVC plastics. In the following days, chaos ensued as residents hurriedly evacuated. See Article Here

By |December 15th, 2012|Categories: WEC in the News|Comments Off on Toxic Train Wreck Exposes Weakness in Federal Chemical Policy

Environmentalists urge N.J. to drop proposed ‘waiver’ allowing businesses to bypass regulations

Environmental advocates today painted a bleak picture of what would happen to New Jersey's natural resources if the state moves ahead with a plan that would allow businesses, towns and people to bypass environmental regulations. See Article Here

By |April 13th, 2011|Categories: WEC in the News|Comments Off on Environmentalists urge N.J. to drop proposed ‘waiver’ allowing businesses to bypass regulations

Environmental Regulatory Shift in N.J. Draws Praise and Concern

Home to a densely packed population and heavy industry, New Jersey has been a longtime leader in adopting strong regulatory standards to protect residents against pollution of their soil, air, and water. That's why environmental advocates sounded alarms when they learned that a bill scheduled for a vote in the Assembly last week would ban state agencies from adopting rules stricter than federal ones without coming to the Legislature for approval. See Article Here

By |March 22nd, 2011|Categories: WEC in the News|Comments Off on Environmental Regulatory Shift in N.J. Draws Praise and Concern
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