WEC in the News

WEC in the News2020-08-12T15:32:50-04:00

No ventilation, poor air quality pushed many districts to go remote

“Your average school building that you’re going to walk into today is not a commercial facility where you go to do your grocery shopping, or retail shopping, or even a lot of the office spaces that folks are used to going into every day. And even if you want to, it’s really difficult and expensive to retrofit these buildings with the controls needed,” he said. Barkkume discovered guidance for clean air even from the CDC has fallen short. “From the beginning and up until today, the CDC does not recognize full aerosol transmission of the virus and this trickles down [...]

By |September 14th, 2020|Categories: Covid-19, Highlights, WEC in the News|Comments Off on No ventilation, poor air quality pushed many districts to go remote

Representative Norcross Discusses School Reopening With NJ Education Leaders

Heather Sorge, Campaign Organizer, Healthy Schools Now, WEC had an open conversation with Congressman Norcross to discuss school reopening and staff and student health and safety alongside Marie Blistan, President, NJEA, and Tina Dare, teacher and GR Representative, NJEA.  School buildings must be safe for in-person instruction to resume.  Watch the video here.  

By |September 9th, 2020|Categories: Covid-19, Highlights, WEC in the News|Comments Off on Representative Norcross Discusses School Reopening With NJ Education Leaders

Who needs unions, anyway? We all do. | Opinion

Child labor laws have been passed, a minimum wage has been set, overtime laws are in place, and there is a federal agency dedicated to occupational safety and health, OSHA. “So, what do we need unions for?” This is a common refrain uttered by opponents of unions as well as many workers who have never belonged to a union. Welcome to the pandemic terrordome.  Read the entire op-ed here.

By |September 6th, 2020|Categories: Highlights, Opinion Pieces, WEC in the News|Comments Off on Who needs unions, anyway? We all do. | Opinion

Back to School, or Something Like It: Local District Plans in a Pandemic

‘If you want to do it, do it right’ Last month, in conjunction with the Coalition for Healthier Schools, the New Jersey Work Environment Council (WEC) issued “The Pandemic vs. Schools,” a national call to action emphasizing the importance to districts of having a solid plan before reopening. WEC is a Trenton-based labor coalition that typically concerns itself with workplace health and safety issues. “Schools can either slow the spread of the virus or speed it up,” the report reads. “Right now, schools across the country are struggling to come up with these plans on their own,” a task, it argues, for which many [...]

By |August 13th, 2020|Categories: Covid-19, Highlights, WEC in the News|Comments Off on Back to School, or Something Like It: Local District Plans in a Pandemic

Schools shouldn’t open unless they have effective plans to prevent infection | Opinion

There have been nearly 5 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States, and this virus has no intention of going away anytime soon. As New Jersey plans to reopen schools, health and safety must be at the forefront. We cannot reopen schools without strong health and safety measures in place to protect our students and school staff. Given the lack of strong federal guidance, The New Jersey Work Environment Council, Healthy Schools Now coalition and the national Healthy Schools Network released A Call to Action. It calls on states to produce authoritative school infection, prevention, and control plans which local schools can adopt. [...]

By |August 7th, 2020|Categories: Covid-19, Highlights, Opinion Pieces, WEC in the News|Comments Off on Schools shouldn’t open unless they have effective plans to prevent infection | Opinion

Op-Ed – New Jersey needs a public bank – fast | Opinion

This past week, WEC placed an op-ed outlining how a state-chartered public bank can help us achieve safe, secure jobs and a healthy sustainable environment for New Jersey. "If the past three months have proven anything in New Jersey, it’s that we need money. Not “we,” meaning our millionaires and billionaires and Wall-Street backed corporations. “We,” meaning workers. “We,” meaning communities of color. “We” means the poor, the working class and the near-mythical middle class. “We” means the people hit hardest by the health and economic devastation brought by COVID-19. “We” have big problems, and you can’t fix big problems [...]

By |July 28th, 2020|Categories: Opinion Pieces, WEC in the News|Comments Off on Op-Ed – New Jersey needs a public bank – fast | Opinion
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