October 2017
HPAE Runaway Inequality Trainings
Working people can't seem to get ahead. As we watch the news, organize and engage around issues in our communities, it becomes more apparent that we are operating in a rigged economy, which works [...]
Mold Concerns in Our Schools
In another example of the severe facility conditions confronting many New Jersey public school districts, the Monroe Township public school district in Gloucester County has closed all district schools because of mold contamination concerns. [...]
Will NJ be a hub or bust for wind turbines?
The landmark 2010 Offshore Wind Economic Development Act should have made New Jersey a national leader in offshore wind. Yet, for seven years, little action has been taken to capitalize on this opportunity for creating [...]
Sink or Swim? Time for Serious Action On Climate In NJ
The latest hurricane disasters are yet another wake-up call. Climate change is happening and causing sea-level rise, worsening storm surges, increasing air temperatures that lead to more rainfall, and boosting water temperatures — all of which [...]
September 2017
Climate Change in New Jersey? It’s Here
Climate change is happening in New Jersey, and some of its impacts are already occurring: warmer summers, more days of extreme rainfalls, and increased frequency and intensity of floods due to [...]
2017 WEC Awards Dinner
The New Jersey Work Environment Council holds its major fundraiser, an awards dinner, each year. We look forward to being joined by labor, environmental, community leaders and public officials, representing many thousands of New [...]