August 2017
Establish A Public Bank: Keep Wall Street Away From Our Tax Dollars!
Wall Street’s power and influence often thwarts progress on a range of social policies, putting corporate greed ahead of public need. Yet, the state of New Jersey deposits billions of dollars in public money [...]
Apply Now to Help Build a Movement!
Working people can’t seem to get ahead. As we watch the news, engage in our communities, and organize around our respective issues, it becomes more and more apparent that we are operating in a [...]
July 2017
Remembering Jamie Hoyt: Fallen Worker
On November 30, 2012 Jamie Hoyt, a resident of Bogata New Jersey, and two other Labor Ready temporary workers were moving racks of computers out of a Verizon facility in Pearl River, New York. [...]
Christie Vetoes Oil Train Bill
Gov. Chris Christie refused to sign a bill Thursday that would provide local emergency responders with more information on the scores of trains hauling volatile crude oil through New Jersey, saying it could become [...]
WEC Statement On Governor Christie’s Conditional Veto of S806
Gov. Christie has conditionally vetoed the Oil Train Safety bill (S806/A2463). This conditional veto puts fence line communities and first responders at risk by continuing to deny them access to information about rail hazards [...]
June 2017
Seeking Rising Stars
In 2016, WEC was very pleased to honor two remarkable leaders with our Rising Star Award, a new honor intended to recognize outstanding new leaders from labor, environmental and community organizations. Our inaugural recipients [...]