March 2017
Jersey Renews Kick-Off Events
The Trump election represented a body blow to the fight against climate change. In this new era, state leadership is more important than ever. That’s why 40 labor, environmental, faith, and community groups have [...]
Time to Get The Lead Out
After the Flint lead crisis entered the public consciousness, the crisis of lead in drinking water became known as a national public health crisis. WEC was proud to stand with Environment NJ and NJ [...]
Call for New Workplace Safety Protections to Save Thousands of Lives, Billions of Dollars
WEC joins NCOSH & other advocates call for action in local communities and workplaces The New Jersey Work Environment Council (WEC) is advocating for worker safety, and has joined a nationwide campaign to advance [...]
Protect Worker Health and Safety By Opposing the Passage of H.J. Res. 83
Call your US Senators to oppose passage of H.J.Res.83. As we know, worker health and safety are closely linked to accurate workplace injury and illness data. Better records benefit both employees and employers by allowing [...]
2017 Workers’ Memorial Day
Workers' Memorial Day is a time to remember those who died on the job or suffered workplace injuries, while raising awareness to prevent future illnesses, injuries and deaths. Respect for health and safety is [...]
February 2017
How Do We Protect Our Children, Communities Against Toxic Chemicals?
In kindergarten, when the fire alarm went off, we were told what to do. Line up, follow the exit signs, and walk to our assigned meeting place outside the school. We had an emergency [...]