November 2016
Temperature Control Petition
For decades, there has been scientific consensus that temperatures above 80 degrees produce harmful physiological effects that decrease work efficiency and output. According to the National Clearinghouse of Facilities, poor thermal conditions have also [...]
October 2016
Intern with WEC
Are you interested in working with a progressive organization to advance labor and environmental policies in New Jersey? The NJ Work Environment Council (WEC), an alliance of 70 labor, environmental, and community organizations, working for [...]
Request Public Bridge Inspection Reports
Aging railroad bridges cross many of New Jersey’s waterways. Many of the bridges are used to move highly flammable hazardous materials, including Bakken crude oil, throughout our state. The condition of bridges has been [...]
New Jersey Refinery Concerns Echo Safety Issues in Texas
The Work Environment Council, and the local Teamsters union said they intend to sue the city of Linden because it will not disclose its emergency response plan. The public's right to information about chemical hazards [...]
WEC, Environment NJ, Legislative Leaders & Allies Endorse Bill Mandating Testing & Remediation of Lead in School Drinking Water
Asw. Maher-Muoio and Sen. Turner Sponsored Legislation is Crucial Legislative Fix to Lead in School Drinking Water With recent reports of lead in the water supplies of schools in the local and national media spotlight, [...]
Notice of intent given to file lawsuit against Linden
The New Jersey Work Environment Council, along with Teamsters Local 877, has put the city of Linden on notice, stating that they will file suit against the city on behalf of workers at the Phillips [...]